Fortnite’s Big Dill is already one of the wildest skins ever—a rapping, gold-chained, crime-running gangster pickle straight out of Chapter 6 Season 2: Lawless. But I had one question… what if he was even BIGGER? So, I took on the ultimate crafting challenge: sculpting Big Dill from polymer clay and then pushing it to the next level—creating Bigger Dill!
This massive gangster pickle doesn’t just have more bling, he’s got gold teeth, baggy pants, diamond rings, a fur jacket, and a crown fit for a king! But just when I thought the transformation was complete, something went terribly wrong with the brining process… and Bigger Dill evolved into something unexpected… BIG BROCCOLI! 🥦
Watch as I bring this Fortnite Crime City legend to life, mix the perfect pickle green clay, craft his D-chain, and build the biggest, baddest gangster vegetable Fortnite has ever seen. What happens when Big Broccoli takes over? Will Big Dill survive the ultimate vegetable rivalry? Let’s find out!
If you love Fortnite skins, crazy transformations, and meme-worthy creations, make sure to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE! And let me know—should I turn Big Broccoli into his own skin next? 🤔
0:00 – Intro
0:14 – Finding the Perfect Pickle Color
0:56 – Sculpting the Big Dill Figure
2:34 – Making the Signature “D” Bling
4:00 – The Ultimate Gangster Pickle
7:55 – Golden Teeth & Crown
9:26 – BIG BROCCOLI is Born!
10:47 – The Final Showdown
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